Secret Invasion: where are the Kree? (some spoilers for episode 1 and 2)
So, anybody thinks the Kree will make an appearance in the SI show? Are there Kree infiltrators cells on Earth? How many? Most Kree do not need to shapeshift to pass as humans. Surely after their humiliating defeat by Danvers in 1995, they would have sent spies to check the progress of that apparently backward world that was able to repel their best troops.. and if 30 years these spies would have attained positions of influence. They would surely have learnt about the massive exodus of Skrulls to earth ( one million..), and would have sent more undercover agents to deal with the situation and eventually find a way to eliminate almost all their Skrull enemies at once on Earth. So, anybody thinks one of the characters introduced in episode 1 could be a Kree agent? Who? I'd say Sonya Falsworth would be a good suspect of course but maybe too obvious. For some reason I would put ( a little) money on Beto being a Kree. He could have used a sort of photostatic veil nanomask to pass...