Green Shades of Kun Kun and Master Khan references in Secret Invasion?

In episode 1, the scene where a Skrull rebel seems to plunge his fingers in the brain of captive AAR commander John Brogan held in a Frackling pod to access and assimilate his memories immediately visually reminded me of the relatively obscure character Master Khan from the Iron Fist (and later Power Man & IF, then Namor) comics. That was a signature move of that evil sorcerer from K’un Lun to erase and manipulate his victims memories….,_the_Sub-Mariner_Vol_1_25

(He even looks like a Skrull…)

Particularly interesting for me is that part =

Khan also persuaded Super-Skrull to impersonate the child Captain Hero for months. He entranced Super-Skrull into believing he was, in fact, Captain Hero. After "Captain Hero" appeared to kill both himself and Iron Fist (actually a H'ylthri impostor), Khan betrayed Super-Skrull and returned him to his exile in space orbit. In a clever ruse, Khan impersonated NYPD detective Tyrone King and had a physical relationship with Iron Fist's romantic interest Misty Knight.[23]

When Khan determined that Namor the Sub-Mariner had released Iron Fist from capture and torment from the H'ylthri, he used his mystical powers to erase Namor's memory and for a time turn him into a "Savage" Sub-Mariner.[24][25] Later, in a deadly confrontation, Prince Namor ripped Khan's head from his body.[1]

(Think of adapting that replacing child Captain Hero with old Nick Fury…)

That could be just a fun Easter Egg for old comics readers, or just a coincidence..

But then again could the writers of the show have taken and completely readapted some other elements of these comics unrelated to Nick Fury and the Skrulls? I'd love that..

The H'ylthri in particular could be veryveasily combined with the Skrulls or the Cotati in the MCU..




Particularly interesting to me =

The H'ylthri also attempted to assault and set up a new world order on Earth. Their human contact was Sam Smithers a.k.a the Plant Man. Smithers was given power by the H'ylthri to animate plant life and, in turn, he helped to create a portal in New Jersey to bring the H'ythri to earth. The H'ylthri leader, Sssesthugar, was a particular close ally of Smithers in this endeavor.[3] In the ensuing battle with several human heroes of earth, the H'ylthri betrayed Smithers and left him for dead.[4]

The H'ylthri are able to impersonate other humans. For years, it was believed that a H'ylthri Iron Fist was in fact the true Iron Fist, Daniel Rand. The ruse was discovered some time later by the Sub-Mariner and Rand's girlfriend Misty Knight.[citation needed]

H'ylthri are also able to attach themselves to humans and control them. Even Wolverine, a mutant with an extensive immune system, fell under their influence.

Also, if I remember correctly The humans they were impersonating were enclosed in a Plant Pod in a garden, very reminiscent of the Fracking Pods of the SI tv show ..

submitted by /u/Quiet_Effective7234
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