
Showing posts from February, 2023

What character had you like this?

submitted by /u/Hdhs1 [link] [comments]

What do you think the future of the MCU will look like?

Okay, I know this is quite a vague question and it's impossible to know for a fact what the future holds, but I just can't help but wonder what the next few years of the MCU are going to be like. So much has happened since 'WandaVision' and I think it's fair to say that the MCU is currently in the worst place it's ever been in. Whether you have personally enjoyed the content or not, it's impossible to deny that things are a mess right now. Negative discourse is at an all-time high and it's becoming harder to avoid the storm that's brewing. A lot of people aren't happy. I think there's a lot of different factors to consider when speculating about what the future holds for this franchise. Some that stand out to me are: Phases 4 and 5 having the MCU's worst recevied films to date and the box office numbers declining at a concerning rate James Gunn starting up his DCU, which means the MCU is going to have some serious competition Marve...

Is the Sacred Timeline a loop?

As we see in Loki Season 1, The Sacred Timeline is physically seen as a circle. Does that mean that every reality within the Sacred Timeline is in a loop? How does that work? Do they talk about it in the show? We know the Sacred Timeline was formed of a bunch of realities with small differences to each other, and all happening at different points in time, so what happens when one of those realities hits the "end" of the Timeline? submitted by /u/CT-1030 [link] [comments]

From a visual standpoint, which Doctor Strange movie do you prefer?

submitted by /u/JamJamGaGa [link] [comments]

No one heard Cap that day

submitted by /u/Hdhs1 [link] [comments]

Strange Turtles: the Multiversal Adventure

submitted by /u/dannelbaratheon [link] [comments]

What do you think the MCU would look like if they released one, or maximum two, films a year? For a bit?

As much as I dig the steady stream of content (and I think most people who complain about it secretly love it, too), I also think it would do the studio (and maybe all of us) some good to let the soil regenerate for a season or two. Thoughts? submitted by /u/futurific [link] [comments]

What is this from??? From IMDB quotes Thor L&T. I'm guessing it's a reference to something but can't place it!

submitted by /u/FitzChivFarseer [link] [comments]

...and at least...

submitted by /u/BetterHalfHeroes [link] [comments]

Tom Holland Symbiote Spider-Man by me (@subi.ozil)

submitted by /u/subi-ozil [link] [comments]

man, i love this version of the beyonder, and these animations

submitted by /u/greppoboy [link] [comments]

A really wild fan theory

Here me out, So now with Kang the Conqueror dead, we are left with the big 3. Now all i hope is for these 3 to destroy various timelines, like alternate versions of superheroes and villains(similar to defender strange, maybe show him kill alternate thanos) to show of their strength. Then in the later saga i want the Kang the conqueror to somehow comeback and get his revenge on all 3 of them establishing him as a threat and later i want Kang the conqueror to get killed by Doom showing just how powerful he is and maybe make him the ruler of battleworld causing a multiversal war (?) and then the arrival of some strong superhero (mr fantastic?) who kills doom and dies along with it. On top of that i want HWR to be his(the one who dies with doom) apprentice who ensures to keep multiverse and timeline safe and hence is reinstated in his position, hence completing the saga by closing the loop. submitted by /u/C0VALENT_B0ND [link] [comments]

Shouldn't Cassie Lang be 14\15 in the Quantamania?

So shouldn't Cassie be like 14 or something in Quantamania? She was 6 in the first movie which takes place in 2015. So that means she was born in 2009. In Ant-Man and the Wasp, she's 9. That makes sense because the movie takes place in 2018 slightly before Infinity War (as I understand it). But then how the hell is she so adult all of a sudden in Endgame and Quantamania if both movies take place in 2023. (It can be that Quantamania takes place in 2024 but she would be 15 then) Does it make any sense? submitted by /u/Dependent_Ad_3802 [link] [comments]

Loki, Watercolour and colouring pencils ✏️ 🎨

submitted by /u/Vmaloneart [link] [comments]

If Avengers were released today, without the context it being the first crossover film of its kind, do you think it would hold up?

submitted by /u/Limulemur [link] [comments]

Almost comic book accurate suits.

I'm pretty sure a post has already been made about this but I kind of like how the MCU has be leaning more into comic accurate suits and less of a tactical look. For example Mysterio, Endgame Iron Man suit and Steve's suit, modok etc . I mostly noticed in Endgame first and it went from there into Far From Home, Wandavision (kinda of) and so on. I know some of the characters already had their looks but I'm talk about the campiness of them and adding more bright colors too. Do you like this direction? submitted by /u/MCVP18 [link] [comments]

Who else likes counting how many MCU actors appear in other random films?

I'll be watching just normal movies from time to time and it's fun counting how many actors in it have been in the MCU at some point. More often than not, I count at least 3. Anyone else do this? submitted by /u/MHullRealtr77 [link] [comments]

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA’ earns $32.2M in the film’s second domestic weekend, a 69% drop.

submitted by /u/ALVARO39YT [link] [comments]

He’s tryna argue Worthy Cap < Black Panther

submitted by /u/Big_Solution453 [link] [comments]

Made a "Test Footage" for the Hulk before working on a rematch between him and the Abomination. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/SpectrumCinema [link] [comments]

WIP Daredevil custom figure

submitted by /u/Louie-creates [link] [comments]

“Your not the one with the hammer”

They play it off as a joke, but when Kang says this to Ant-Man he emphasizes that all the Avengers blur together, except for one that stands out in his mind… Thor. I’m wondering if that’s a clue indicating that Thor puts up the best fight throughout his multiversal travels. Possibly even kills Kang in other timelines or in the main Kang Dynasty movie. submitted by /u/gunsoverbutter [link] [comments]

Theory: Ant-Man 4 will come out in the future

Quantumania released and it was good in my opinion but just like Thor: Ragnarok, they didn’t end the movie with something emotional like Peter Parker losing everything in the MCU in his third film etc. Overall, it just didn’t feel like a conclusion to Ant-Man’s story which leads to me to believe Marvel will probably make a fourth and final Ant-Man movie to conclude Scott Lang’s story, In his series of movies at least. I feel like Marvel was planning Quantumania to be a setup of the next Avengers movie just like how the end of Thor: Ragnarok was a setup of Infinity War but with the exception of Ant-Man actually losing something/someone or learning something new. submitted by /u/XxRobloxNobxX [link] [comments]

Why are the D+ Series yielding higher ratings than recent films?

I’ve noticed that throughout Phase 4 there seems to be a trend of Disney Plus MCU shows attaining higher scores than the MCU films. Is there a reason why? submitted by /u/Intelligent_Grade897 [link] [comments]

One of the favourite interactions in the MCU

submitted by /u/tannu28 [link] [comments]

Just wanted to show off my Marvel movie collection.

submitted by /u/reelfiction [link] [comments]

How did Tommy know that Wanda could "fix the dead"?

submitted by /u/Heretostay59 [link] [comments]

Chris Pratt has faced his share of criticism, but at the end of the day I’m glad he’s Star Lord. The guardians were there when I was at my lowest, and will always hold a special place for me.

submitted by /u/kshep1188 [link] [comments]

Brie Larson praises ‘THE MARVELS’ co-star Iman Vellani. “Iman is the future. She is the perfect Ms. Marvel…I’m so excited for her success…She’s one of my favorite people on this earth.”

submitted by /u/lawrencedun2002 [link] [comments]

Does Marvel Suck Now?

submitted by /u/WritingItNow [link] [comments]

Alaqua Cox on Twitter hints at Echo series dropping in October

submitted by /u/Make_it_Raines [link] [comments]

[Spoilers] Kang

For anybody that's watch Ant-Man 3, there's just a few changes I wish I could've made about Kang: - First I would've changed his story of how he got into the Quantum Realm. Instead of Kang being "banished" by the council of Kangs, I would've said Kang was escaping "He Who Remains" when he sent the TVA to prune all the timelines and ended up in the Quantum Realm since it was outside space and time. - Second I would've allowed Kang to escape the Quantum Realm at the end of the movie so we get that "villain wins" story like Infinity War/Civil War. And just to add more stakes I would've made Kang beat Scott so badly that Scott goes into a coma and we, the audience, don't know if he'll ever wake up again. So a pretty dark ending. - Third, the post credits, I would have the council of Kangs announcing that their "leader" Kang is still alive then we see the whole arena cheering as Kang walks out infront of everybody....

"Right now" (post-Quantumania) do the Avengers actually exist? And who are our heroes?

Without even getting into the "official" designation of Avengers (think Tony talking to Peter in Infinity War), there was certain a group of heroes in contact, working together, analyzing threats all the way up to Infinity War. But post-Endgame things changed, and I'm not sure they've addressed where we actually stand with an official group of heroes? Off the top of my head, we have the following people: Dead: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff (not confirmed but likely assumption for now) Inactive: Steve Rogers, Hawkeye (unofficially passed the torch to Kate Bishop, probably permanent now with Jeremy Renner's accident) Captain America (Sam Wilson): active, we'll find out more in New World Order Hulk: working on his own as shown in She-Hulk She-Hulk: active but mainly sticking to her own thing Thor: living on Earth in New Asgard, back with his people Ant-Man & The Wasp: active and still exploring the Quantum Realm Doctor Strange: highly...

Why don't individual MCU heroes have a recurring nemesis/rival?

I'm not talking about Thanos and Kang. They are overarching villains for a story arc that acts as the final boss for a group of heroes. I mean a recurring villain that is philosophically and diametrically opposed to a singular hero. Loki and Thor was the closest the MCU has had to a Joker/Batman style recurring rivalry and that kinda fizzled out as they redeemed Loki. I feel like the arch-nemesis trope is a major comic book trope that has been severely lacking in the MCU. Even FOX was able to make a great recurring nemesis with Magneto. Green Goblin in No Way Home was the first time in a long time I felt like there was a real threatening villain that represented the exact opposite of the hero, and Tom Holland Spider-Man technically never met him. Yet despite that, it felt like they immediately they had this great hero/villain chemistry. I wish somehow that Green Goblin stayed in the MCU because they have such a great dramatic dynamic that needs to be brought back to the superhero...

When was the Battle of Jotunheim exactly? Sources needed.

I'm trying to determine, if possible, the exact date of the Battle of Jotunheim. Between three different websites I found that the Battle of Tønsberg was planned on January 14th, and took place on February 4th. The Battle of Jotunheim supposedly took place on August 18th. Timewise these three websites do line up, but none of them cited sources. Would anyone have a source for these dates, or alternatively, if they are wrong, verifiable alternate information? Danke! submitted by /u/antoniaestark [link] [comments]

If you were victim of the snap, how would you deal with a post-snap world when you return?

A hypothetical thing I’ve been thinking about recently is what my mind set would be if I was a snap victim and I come back to a world that would probably would’ve moved on from me. I’d probably get really existential, paranoid and have a lot of questions about what happens to the world as well as the people in my life. Like “Did the same thing happen to them?”, “Did this have an effect on my family dynamic?” (I’m the eldest sibling and would that make my younger sister older than me) or “Is the world I return to going to get better at all?” But what about what would you guys feel if you were a victim of the snap? submitted by /u/17Reddit-Browser [link] [comments]

What is the biggest continuity error in marvel content?

Marvel is one of the most interconnected media universes available to consume. Not everything is connected perfectly, but theres a general continuity with respect to each individual marvel brand. The mcu has it's own, xmen has it's own, etc etc. With that many connections, theres bound to be mistakes. What's the biggest continuity mistake across all marvel movies and shows? Any suggestions and all recommendations welcome! submitted by /u/MCU_historian [link] [comments]

Love and Thunder rewatch doesn’t do it any favours

I watched Love and Thunder in theatres when it first came out and felt… very whelmed. It was good to see the movie, but it wasn’t good to watch. I chalked it up to too much pointless dialogue and too much silliness at the time. Also a solid dose of over-hyped expectations. But after a second rewatch, it’s more than the silliness. It’s the tonal shifts in the movie, whipping from darkness and grief to chicken muppets and jealous semi-sentient weapons. Some of the jokes/gags land well (grenade shaped speaker with Jane and Valkyrie jamming out, Asgardian actors mocking the Hela scene) but others don’t (the muppets Thor fights at the start, most of the Hall of Gods scene - I still chuckle at “you flick to hard!”). The entire sentient Stormbreaker being jealous of Thor using other weapons is super stupid and feels like it was used as a gag (crashing into the memorial) and as an excuse to use the goats/boat to get around. But it’s also some of the visuals - like the tonal shifts it whips...

A short one-act musical inspired on Rogers: The Musical as seen on Hawkeye and Spider-Man: No Way Home is coming for a limited time this summer to Disney California Adventure Park!

submitted by /u/agentma [link] [comments]

Rogers the Musical is coming to Disneyland Summer 2023!!

submitted by /u/destroyer7 [link] [comments]

Thor Love and Thunder : a bad adaptation of the comics.

I’m not too too into the marvel comics, but I have read lots of them, I’m not as knowledgeable as some people out there but I can definitely tell how badly they messed up the Gorr storyline, he was not even close to as powerful as in the comics and he didn’t feel like an actual threat. To those of you that have read through the story, AND watched the movie, what are your thoughts on how they depicted Gorr and his story in Love and Thunder? Let’s talk. submitted by /u/cadxau [link] [comments]

Marvel Adds Eternals 2, Shang-Chi 2 to Its MCU Calendar

submitted by /u/FrankFFrankie [link] [comments]

I'm surprised this scene of Pip does not get talked about more when discussing bad Marvel CGI in the recent years. This is the first thing in the MCU that has actually looked very fake in my opinion.

submitted by /u/Foxxdiscord [link] [comments]

Hi, I'm jopper, I'd like to share my "Namor" fanart!

submitted by /u/jp_olsouz [link] [comments]

‘Honestly, I Equate It to Human Greed’ - Shortcuts were reportedly taken on VFX for ‘ANT-MAN AND THE WASP QUANTUMANIA’ with critical resources diverted towards ‘BLACK PANTHER WAKANDA FOREVER’

submitted by /u/ElMatasiete7 [link] [comments]

Captain America poster I made a while back

submitted by /u/sonofthepear [link] [comments]

(Quantumania) What does Scott lose?

First off, want to say I did enjoy the film, and this post isn't meant to be a critique of it. Generally, the third film of an MCU trilogy usually results in the hero needing to lose something: Iron Man 3 - Tony loses all of his suits to trade for Pepper. Civil War - Steve loses his shield, mantle, and the Avengers being a cohesive team for Bucky. Ragnarok - Thor gives up his home, his friends, and loses his father to stop Hela. Infinity War - the Avengers lose half of the universe. No Way Home - Peter loses MJ, Ned, and their memories of him to prevent a multiversal break. I love narrative similarities like this, and it usually results in me liking the 3rd film of a series the most. I've thought about Quantumania for a bit now, but I can't for the life of me think of something Scott actually loses. Based on the second trailer, I had initially thought that Scott's loss would be time with Cassie. He would make the deal with Kang, but ultimately realize it was a b...

Poster I made for the Iron Heart series!!!

submitted by /u/BenSolo_Cup [link] [comments]

What should the MCU do to build up/develop Kang prior to the release of Avengers: The Kang Dynasty?

As of late, there has been a fairly large amount of complaints regarding the direction of the MCU. The recent release of Quantummania has only intensified this, especially with regards to the MCU’s new overarching villain in Kang(s). While most people seem to agree that Jonathan Majors delivered an excellent performance as Kang the Conqueror in Quantummania, there has been a lot of negativity surrounding (Quantummania spoilers!) the decision to have Kang the Conqueror be defeated by Ant-Man in the same film which was supposed to establish him as a legitimate threat This has resulted in things such as the mid-credits scene establishing the Council of Kangs not having the same punch or sense of threat that Thanos did during the Infinity Saga. Is there anything that you think the MCU can/should do to build up Kang and his variants prior to the release of the next Avengers film? Have certain creative choices in Quantummania irreversibly screwed over the direction of this character in ...

Ant-Man's Kathryn Newton (Cassie Lang) is a Physics Nerd IRL!

submitted by /u/melissadimarco [link] [comments]

Is there a comprehensive list of all the ‘loose ends’ in the MCU currently?

It’s pretty clear phase 4 is setting up a plethora of projects down the line, but is there a comprehensive list of everything we should expect a payoff from later on? submitted by /u/gunsoverbutter [link] [comments]

What's been the best camera work in any marvel movie or show?

Each aspect of a film or show demands respect if the project is truly to stand the test of time. Camera work is no exception. More often than not the camera operator goes unnoticed and is ultimately underappreciated. What has been the most creative or interesting use of camera in a marvel feature that you've seen? Any suggestions and all recommendations welcome! submitted by /u/MCU_historian [link] [comments]

The Ant-Man suit Scott wore in Civil War

Ant-Man and The Wasp clarified that it was the same suit as before, but it had an entirely different design. And Hank had made Scott a new suit that was said to be a work in progress, so the Civil War suit was not actually a different one custom made for Scott. It’s pretty confusing honestly. submitted by /u/Zimboy112 [link] [comments]

Marvel Phase 4 Timeline (With Addition to Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania) - by A bit of Everything on Youtube

submitted by /u/tycooperaow [link] [comments]

Should Marvel Studios invest in building statues in NYC for superheroes in the neighborhoods they represent?

There have been talks about a Spider-Man statue in Forest Hills . Would it be a good investment for Marvel/a fun idea for the neighborhoods of NYC to have statues of their resident superhero built in their neighborhood? Marvel could even fund it, and search for talent on each one. Examples: Spider-Man (Peter Parker) - Forest Hills, Queens Luke Cage/Power Man - Harlem, Manhattan Daredevil - Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan Iron Fist - Midtown, Manhattan Cloak and Dagger - Lower East Side, Manhattan The Fantastic Four - Midtown ( 42nd Street and Madison Avenue ), Manhattan Doctor Strange - Greenwich Village, Manhattan Captain America - Brooklyn Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - Brooklyn ... etc. Additional candidates: Hawkeye (outside 590 5th Ave, Manhattan) Jessica Jones (outside any dive bar in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan) Misty Knight (outside Precinct 28 in Central Harlem) Iron Man (in front of the MetLife Building, Manhattan) Source:

Who are the Avengers, at this point in the timeline?

Up to Endgame, the core group of the Avengers seemed to be Ironman, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. But who are the Avengers at this point in the timeline (Quantumamia)? Dr Strange? Spider-man? Ant-Man? Hulk (still)? Black Panther? submitted by /u/joshygill [link] [comments]

Does the Blue Ray version of Spiderman No Way Home have the scenes from the extended cut in the bonus features section?

Title is my question. I've been holding out buying No Way Home on Blu Ray in hopes that the extended edition will come out on disc instead of just digital. If the already released dvd has the bonus scenes included in the bonus features I think I'll bite the bullet but I want to know if they are there first or if I should continue waiting. submitted by /u/OutcastKatarn02 [link] [comments]

Was this always supposed to be the ending?

I remember a few months ago when the script for ant man 3 was leaked that kang was supposed to escape from the quantum realm but in the movie he dies at the end(probably) so what gives? Do I remember wrong or maybe they changed the finale when the script got leaked? submitted by /u/Numerous_Initial7082 [link] [comments]

‘DEADPOOL 3’ will reportedly begin filming May 22 in London, UK. A second production unit will film in Vancouver and is expected to wrap in October.

submitted by /u/SpeedForce2022 [link] [comments]

Miss Minutes as Alexa voice

Has anyone been able to get Miss Minutes as an Alexa voice option? I figured by now they would have Marvel voice as an option? Asking in here because I know someone knows or can direct me to a third party hack to get it done. I find the voice so soothing. This bottom paragraph is just so I can hit the text limit to have my post not deleted. By the way, Quantamania doesn’t deserve as low reviews as it got. I rate it above Eternals and Love & Thunder. submitted by /u/TheVoski [link] [comments]

Moon Knight: How did Marc live out life as Steven?

Just to preface, I know trying to think logistically about these things is pointless… “it’s a tv show, just enjoy”… I agree, but I was wondering if it was mentioned in the show, because I don’t remember. How was he able to legally live in the UK as Steven? He had a job at the museum, presumably he had some sort of legal documents to allow him to be hired as Steven. Did Marc get a passport and residency permit through his CIA connections? submitted by /u/nmadison23 [link] [comments]

Marvel's Vintage: Who is Kang? (art by me)

submitted by /u/raphlsnts [link] [comments]

Why didn’t Thanos's hand touch the Time Stone, like he was able to hold the other stones?

submitted by /u/redvelts [link] [comments]

Quantumania Opening Day, evening show @ El Capitan Theater in LA. Kevin Feige + Kathryn Newton and crew appearance

Swag and costumes from the movie submitted by /u/ReaddittiddeR [link] [comments]

If you could give any MCU character their own show who would it be and what would the show be about

You can give any MCU character their own Disney Plus show. What’s your vision for the project? What would the premise of the show be? Would there be any cameos? How many episodes would it be? When would it premiere? Kevin Feige has given you full control. What are we lookin at. submitted by /u/404Draco [link] [comments]

One of Marvel's darkest scenes - Ant-Man (2015)

Caught Quantumania Thursday night and I really liked it. IMO, it starts off a bit stumbly, but as it gets rolling it picks up steam and I had a lot of fun watching it. The actress who portrays Cassie (sorry, don't know her name off the top of my head) didn't entirely sell me performance-wise, but that comes with time so I'm not hating. I am excited to see it another time or two! Anyway, was revisiting the first two films today and to this day the Darren Cross scene where he shrinks the dude in the bathroom and flushes him down the toilet stands out to me as one of MCU's most brutal, dark scenes. I'm Always left feeling kind of disturbed by it. Anyone have any other relatable scenes? Go see Quantumania and have fun! submitted by /u/HeIsVigo444 [link] [comments]

Page 144 of Avengers Endgame script: What does "A Brand New Shield" mean to you?

​ Is it a fixed vibranium shield? Adamantium? A combination of both or complete noise? If this already has been posted recently, thank you for your reading patience. submitted by /u/ravenloreismybankai [link] [comments]

'Cocaine Bear' Star Alden Ehrenreich Introduced Iron Man to Ironheart (Article)

submitted by /u/JediNotePad [link] [comments]

I made fan art of Wasp

submitted by /u/YGR64 [link] [comments]

If Eric O’Grady ever gets introduced to the MCU…

What kind of backstory should he have? I have two ideas: A stupid teenager who stole the first Ant Man suit and is getting Scott in trouble, a failed successor to Hank and maybe an old friend of Scott’s when he was a criminal and he messed with the wrong people so Scott has to help him. submitted by /u/Lotus_630 [link] [comments]

If you could revive someone who has died to reprise their marvel role one more time, who would you pick?

There are many people who have taken up the mantle of a marvel role. Unfortunately, some of them have passed on by now. Whether taken from us too soon, or at an appropriate time in their lives, many times we miss the people who are gone. Who would you call on to play their role one more time, if you could? Any suggestions and all recommendations welcome! submitted by /u/MCU_historian [link] [comments]

Can other alien species learn to use magic?

The only species that was able to use magic are human,asgardian,& ebony maw's species.but could other alien species like eternal,kree,& skull learn to use magic & became sorcerer? submitted by /u/ApprehensiveRead2408 [link] [comments]

Does other alien species have soul?

Human and asgardian have soul & when human and asgardian die,their soul goes to afterlife.does other alien species like eternals,kree,skull,flora colossus,& chitauri have soul?i think all humanoid alien species have soul. submitted by /u/ApprehensiveRead2408 [link] [comments]

What are some "under-the-radar" MCU movies that you're looking forward to?

More specifically, films that are planned but don't have the biggest buzz. I've been excited for The Marvels since it was announced. Brie is very talented, and I'm already noticing efforts to update Carol's characterization (Shang-Chi post credits scene, Ms. Marvel's post credit scene). Iman is charming as hell and should be fun to watch on the big screen. There's some synergy with one of the writers of WandaVision working with Teyonah Parris again, so that's always nice. Finally, Nia DaCosta has some serious skill with aesthetics and making things look pretty without going overly "artsy". I'd honestly be surprised if it wasn't mostly well-received. Another one I'm intrigued by is Cap: New World Order. I've always been a huge fan of the tone of CA:TWS/CA:CW and how they lean into political thriller territory. This sounds like it's going the same route. Not to mention the whole "Thunderbolt" Ross thing and reports of...

The MCU is known for their quips, so I made a compilation of every Iron Man 1 quip, hope yall enjoy!

submitted by /u/69reapergrimm96 [link] [comments]

Popcorn Container

submitted by /u/Dork_wing_Duck [link] [comments]

The Cornqueror (by Tanaka Tatsuya)

submitted by /u/joeycloud [link] [comments]

If you could fuse any two marvel characters, what would you create?

We're talking fusion a la dragonball z, or like the fusion funko pops I've seen around. You could combine characters that are similar, characters that are different, heroes and villains, sidekicks and henchmen, anything is fair game. Who would you fuse together, and what would be the result? Any suggestions and all recommendations welcome! submitted by /u/MCU_historian [link] [comments]

Is Moonknight basically Son of Sam?

Some demonic force in the shape of an animal is telling him to go around murdering people. Think about it. Out of context, Moonknight is basically Son of Sam. I should emphasize that Moonknight MURDERS people. He’s not like Batman (comics Batman) or like Spiderman. Moonknight kills everyone Khonshu tells him to kill. Like he travels around the world murdering people. Like Hawkeye. submitted by /u/AdeDamballa [link] [comments]

"The Tesseract...or...your brother's head."

submitted by /u/BluRayHiDef [link] [comments]

Jonathan Majors ‘Walked Out’ of His First Marvel Meeting After Execs Kept Him Waiting Too Long: ‘It’s Cool. I’ll Just Go’

submitted by /u/MarvelsGrantMan136 [link] [comments]

phase 4

For the record I'm more of a movies guy than a tv guy, I have seen 3 of the phase 4 tv shows but I had other things going on at times when the tv shows were airing and in general the tv shows we're getting overwhelming, so I'm talking purely from a movie pov. I don't get the hate for this phase, do some of the movies have issues, yes but the hate is overblown, in fact I would say phase 4 is probably my favorite mcu phase because I have more or less liked every movie about the same, unlike the infinity saga where there's at least one movie in each phase that I don't like. Every movie in phase 4 has been so great in their own ways, I would rank the movies: Spiderman No Way Home 10/10 Eternals 9.5/10 Black Panther Wakanda Forever 9/10 Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 9/10 Doctor Strange in the MoM 8.5/10 Thor Love and Thunder 7.5/10 And Black Widow 7 As for my ranking of the phases, I would rank them: Phase 4 85/100 Phase 3 85/100 Phase 2 80/...

What actor would you most like to see star or cameo in a marvel movie?

Marvel has been known to cast both actors who have credits for critically acclaimed projects, as well as actors who are fresh into their first role. Let's stick with living actors for now, so we can discuss people who might actually be in upcoming movies and shows. Any suggestions and all recommendations welcome! submitted by /u/MCU_historian [link] [comments]

how does everyone know who the punisher is?

Just started watching the punisher and I am confused why every character seems to know the punisher. Is there lore before the show that I am supposed to know? It's implied that he was a vigilante before he faked his death. Is that right? submitted by /u/Competitive_Ad2756 [link] [comments]

Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantumania started international rollout in Korea’s BoxOffice, grossing 1.4M on WED Opening day, lowest for a Ant-Man & 2nd lowest of MCU in the market since pandemi. WOM for Ant-Man3 mixed.

submitted by /u/Youngstown_Mafia [link] [comments]

What marvel movie has the best music?

Music is one of the key ingredients in the recipes to evoking the proper emotion for a scene. There are many types of music to choose from, from the score to the soundtrack, each punctuating their own important moment. What music for you best encapsulated something great about your favorite marvel movie? What was the best musical moment? Any suggestions and all recommendations welcome! submitted by /u/MCU_historian [link] [comments]

Future Holiday Specials

I loved the GOTG Holiday Special. I'm curious to see what future Holiday Specials everyone is interested in seeing be made involving a certain MCU character or group? I think with the talk of a Deadpool Christmas movie somewhat developed by Ryan Reynolds a 'Deadpool Holiday Special' could be really funny and charming if done right. I also think a Spider-Man (& possibly Venom?) is high on the list for Holiday Specials as they both have similar Holiday themed comic runs. Doctor Strange could also be very charming Holiday Special, i'm imagining him helping Santa or something. I also think something like an 'Avengers Holiday Special' would be really fun, the fans love slice of life moments and seeing the new Avengers team around the festive Holiday season could be fun for 45 minutes. What does everyone think? submitted by /u/S0nG0ku88 [link] [comments]

Post Kang Avengers

Who do y'all think will be the next big Avengers villian, and do you think they rushed to use Kang instead of building up to him like they did Thanos? I felt like this rushed the idea of using such a big league villain right after in the infinity wars' financial success instead of using a lower class villain like how Avenger 1 had Loki. submitted by /u/Prestigious_General8 [link] [comments]

Mystery Recapped has made a recap of Ant-Man 1

submitted by /u/GriffinFTW [link] [comments]

The Rotten Tomatoes scores for 'The Infinity Saga' and 'The Multiverse Saga' (so far).

submitted by /u/JamJamGaGa [link] [comments]

I'm staying away from Marvel Twitter, and so should you.

Every time when I see something on Marvel Twitter that is interesting, there are ALWAYS awful negative replies about the MCU. "Marvel was never the same since Endgame" "Mid movie. Mid Universe. MidCU." "Since phase 4 Marvel has turned into the M-SHE-U!". And instead of raging at these comments being everywhere, I've decided to leave Marvel Twitter probably indefinitely because of the Toxicity. A lot of other people feel the same way and have done the same. submitted by /u/Foxo032 [link] [comments]

What I think Marvel has planned with Guardians 4

We already know that Multiverse Saga has Kang the Conqueror as the main villain. But, and this is a big but, how the MCU can implement the Guardians in the new plot? I think we will see Vance Astro. Vance is a time traveler and this could justify a Kang vs Guardians set up. My pick is that, very similar to what happened in "Avengers: earth Mightiest Heroes", Kang could be hunting Vance Astro as he is a man out of his time and could represent a threat to Kang's future. Vance Astro is a Captain America-esque hero and in the cartoon that role was playedby Captain America. He even dons the shield. That's not so hard to believe to me. submitted by /u/_lorz2001 [link] [comments]

I have good memories of him on Avengers EMH so... here´s a fanart (by me)

submitted by /u/aoq_art3 [link] [comments]

(Mostly) had a good time with ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA, a bonkers dive into Phase 5 of the MCU with a spectacular new villain in Jonathan Majors' Kang. More thoughts below!

submitted by /u/ShauryaChawla [link] [comments]

Ant Man and The Wasp Quantumania - The Last of Us Style Trailer

submitted by /u/Chris02849 [link] [comments]

New Marvel Edit! fair warning I made it really sad but really good. not to toot my own horn or anything submitted by /u/mmorgaann [link] [comments]

General low engagement in the sub

I’ve been in this sub for a few months yet it always seems so quiet. Every other post has such a low engagement, no comments even if there are 3m members Compared to other subs like Marvel Studio Spoilers or DC Cinematic which both have significantly lower members i feel like this sub should be so much more active. Every other post on those subs is getting atleast tens of comments even houndreds. I find it really weird, could somebody explain to me why is that? submitted by /u/TruestoneSB [link] [comments]

Star-Lord and Gamora's love story edit.

submitted by /u/M1keyy8 [link] [comments]

Adan Warlok - What if?

submitted by /u/Joel_GyroZp [link] [comments]

Would You Want More "What If...?" Spin-Offs?

"Marvel Zombies" is a spin-off set in the same universe as "What If... Zombies!?" Marvel Studios were throwing around the idea of a series spinning out of "What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?" until Chadwick's passing. "Spider-Man: Freshman Year" is not a spin-off from What If proper, but it is essentially "What If... Norman Osborn Mentored Peter Parker?" Personally, I would love a dedicated Captain Carter spin-off, that way I get more of Peggy Carter plus What If doesn't have to dedicate resources to make a Captain Carter episode every season (which they've already confirmed). submitted by /u/blackbutterfree [link] [comments]

Kang the Conquerors ...

Will we see more than one variant in Quantamania? Like Sylvie, our Loki, etc. He Who Remains said when Sylvie stabbed, See you soon. And is Sylvie now in charge of the time/space monster? submitted by /u/Typical-Cranberry120 [link] [comments]

A sketch of the late Chadwick Boseman by me-Rip King

submitted by /u/Jarofkickass [link] [comments]

War Machine Story

Towards the beginning of Age of Ultron War Machine tells a story and to Thor and Ironman that doesn’t land with them then he tells it again to assumed civilians and they’re all like cheering and wowed It would be cool if in his first full length story (Iron Wars) we get to see the mission he was on. Even a brief version of it just some visuals would be cool to tie it all back in together submitted by /u/proto3296 [link] [comments]

Kevin Feige Reveals He Has It All Planned Out While Explaining Phase 5 to the Legendary Michael Douglas - The Illuminerdi

submitted by /u/throwmeaway969617 [link] [comments]