(Quantumania) What does Scott lose?

First off, want to say I did enjoy the film, and this post isn't meant to be a critique of it. Generally, the third film of an MCU trilogy usually results in the hero needing to lose something:

Iron Man 3 - Tony loses all of his suits to trade for Pepper.

Civil War - Steve loses his shield, mantle, and the Avengers being a cohesive team for Bucky.

Ragnarok - Thor gives up his home, his friends, and loses his father to stop Hela.

Infinity War - the Avengers lose half of the universe.

No Way Home - Peter loses MJ, Ned, and their memories of him to prevent a multiversal break.

I love narrative similarities like this, and it usually results in me liking the 3rd film of a series the most. I've thought about Quantumania for a bit now, but I can't for the life of me think of something Scott actually loses.

Based on the second trailer, I had initially thought that Scott's loss would be time with Cassie. He would make the deal with Kang, but ultimately realize it was a bad decision and ends up sacrificing that time to stop Kang. But it doesn't seem the final film went through with this plot point, as their deal is caused for wanting to get him and his family out of the Quantum Realm, which they succeed in.

I also thought at the end of the movie that Scott would get stuck in the QR again with Hope, and having that be his ultimate loss/sacrifice, but Cassie gets them out of that too.

I'm potentially thinking that the loss will be more noticeable in Kang Dynasty or another later film. Maybe once Kang gets out of the Core, then Scott would have sacrificed the integrity of the multiverse to be with his family more.

I'm not saying he doesn't lose anything, I'm open to hear other people's interpretations. I made this post bc I'm genuinely curious if Quantumania does indeed continue this trend or not, and figured others probably know more than me.

submitted by /u/NuclearChavez
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