One of Marvel's darkest scenes - Ant-Man (2015)

Caught Quantumania Thursday night and I really liked it. IMO, it starts off a bit stumbly, but as it gets rolling it picks up steam and I had a lot of fun watching it. The actress who portrays Cassie (sorry, don't know her name off the top of my head) didn't entirely sell me performance-wise, but that comes with time so I'm not hating. I am excited to see it another time or two!

Anyway, was revisiting the first two films today and to this day the Darren Cross scene where he shrinks the dude in the bathroom and flushes him down the toilet stands out to me as one of MCU's most brutal, dark scenes. I'm Always left feeling kind of disturbed by it.

Anyone have any other relatable scenes?
Go see Quantumania and have fun!

submitted by /u/HeIsVigo444
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