The stones don’t exist anymore in the main universe

Everyone here saying “reduced to atoms, they still exist just in a different form” should hit the science book once more.

If they were reduced to atoms, by definition they don’t exist anymore.

By suggesting they still exist, you’re also suggesting implicitly that atoms can be crafted into stones, which would mean an infinite amount of stones can be crafted (as an infinite amount of atoms exist), so there is no particular need for the stones to be protected as The Ancient One said.

EVEN if you meant to say that those atoms are somehow “special”, then you’d be suggesting those atoms are actually unknown elements in the periodic table. And even if that was cannon, you would STILL be able to synthesize them by moving neutrons/protons around, which Tony already did when synthesizing Paladium to power his suit without the toxic side-effect, so it’s possible.

Therefore the only conclusion is they don’t exist in the main universe anymore. “Reduced to atoms” means “destroyed”; and there is no known artifact to create stones out of atoms.

submitted by /u/kyou20
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