Theory: Doctor Doom will kill Kang


If Kang is main villain of Avengers 5, then there's a way to introduce Doctor Doom for secret wars at the end of the movie.

The heroes are lying on the ground, defeated and injured by Kang. Kang is about to kill them. He is standing and insulting the heroes. Then, suddenly, a portal opens behind him. He gets stabbed by a weapon from the back. A voice says, “You can rest, they are mine”. Kang falls on the ground and we see Doom appear from a shadow. Thus, the movie ends.

Now, why will Doom kill Kang? I believe that Doom wants to capture the heroes and send them to battleworld for Secret Wars so that the heroes from different universes can fight each other. So, he had to kill Kang so that Kang can't kill them. Another reason may be Doom wants Kang's time travel powers.

The secret wars movie can start when the heroes are trying to escape but Doom captures them. Then, a black screen appears. Then, we see the heroes in battleworld but they can't remember how they reached there and they meet other heroes from different universes. Then, the real story will start. Doing all of this in only one movie is not good. So, Marvel should divide Secret Wars by two movies.

You may say that Doom appearing out of nowhere is very bad. But, we can get his backstory in the movie. We can also get introduced to him in the post credit scenes of Fantastic Four(and maybe deadpool 3). Thus, it will be like thanos appearing in Avengers and Age of Ultron post credits. The post credit scene can go like this:

Doom is writing something which is about his plan to end the heroes. But, he stops writing, meaning that he can't think of a plan. Then, he looks at a monitor/display and sees the Avengers, X men and Fantastic Four. We see him staring at the display and thinking with no emotion in his eyes. And then, we hear him saying, “I have got a plan”

Look, you may think that it's very sudden but believe me, it's not. Doom in Fantastic 4 movie was revealed to be the true villain at the end. Even in secret wars, it was supposed to be Beyonder to be the villain but he ended up being the mastermind. Doom is a man who plans strategically behind the curtains and when an opportunity comes, he reveals himself. But, I'm still not sure if they should introduce Beyonder for the plot. It's Marvel's choice. And I'm only telling this theory IF Kang is in Avengers 5 and Doom in Secret Wars.

submitted by /u/The_Ghost_9960
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