The Blip will never be explored in the MCU. In fact, it’s going to be shoved under the rug as quietly as possible.

I think they came up with arguably one of the best plot devices they probably could have ever found in the Blip. You’re telling me literally 1/2 of every human being just disappears? And possibly animal life as well? That’s a threat like you cannot even imagine. God what I wouldn’t give to see the aftermath of that on screen.

The problem is, I don’t believe you would be able to adequately envision that on screen in a way that gives you the ability to have a relatively normal world a few years later. Let’s be real, we are talking about half of the world disappearing overnight, but a catastrophic amount of death on the other side of that. Planes crashing because the pilot was blipped, cars crashing because half of their drivers were blipped, surgeries in process, pregnant mothers where the mother was blipped, but the child wasn’t, just an absolute apocalyptic scenario. The little flashes of boats and planes and stuff in the harbor at the beginning of endgame was nowhere near what the actual reality would look like.

I don’t know that you get from a world in which half of the population is eliminated in an instant to anything remotely resembling a stable world five years later. I would imagine that civil society would just collapse overnight. I don’t think you would have governments surviving.

And then the chaos of bringing them all back? The world has presumably adjusted to having half the number of people in it and now suddenly they’re all back? How do you feed them? We haven’t been growing the amount of food or raising the number of animals necessary to feed twice the population for years. How many people die of starvation? How do third world countries deal with it, especially considering any hope of international aid is now gone as economies are cut more than in half.

What are the legal ramifications? How do you handle divorces, inheritance, survivorship? Children that were abandoned and rooted by other families? Businesses where the owner was blipped and is now back? However many homes or apartment buildings were torn down for whatever reason and now we don’t have enough housing. How many cities were absolutely leveled by raging fires that didn’t have enough firefighters to help put them out? How many power plants went off-line? How much of the grid went without maintenance? They barely scratched the surface of any of this in Falcon.

And on top of all of that, every person on the planet now knows that there is a universe ending psychopath out there who is still alive. They don’t end up killing Thanos for another month. Can you imagine the trauma? The rate of suicide would be monumental. You’re going to have some kind of worldwide press conference, where a bunch of superheroes try to explain why half the people you know and love scattered into the wind as dust? And oh, by the way, you just found out about all these interstellar aliens and superheroes from other planets and the existence of hundreds or thousands of superpowered heroes or villains, and oh, yes, half of them are gone now, so, even if they were a comfort to you, in terms of protecting you from what’s going on in the universe, well, too bad half of them are gone. I don’t think there’s any coming back from that in terms of the complete mental breakdown so many people would have.

So I believe what happened here was they came up with an amazing idea, and then quickly realized that the rest of the MCU was still expected to happen. They still want to have decades for TV shows and movies. That does not work on a planet that has essentially destroys itself in the aftermath of the biggest calamity the universe has ever known. So they pretty much have to just wave their hands and say oh there was a little unrest but we all figured it out and some folks are doing therapy and it’s all good now. Hey look, it’s Spider-Man back at school and la di da.

I don’t think we’ll ever see the Blip on screen because there’s no way to realistically portray all that above in a way that convincingly gets you any of the post-Blip world we’ve seen.

submitted by /u/baltinerdist
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