Could someone explain how Kamala's powers work to me

The show was never super clear (to me at least), but my confusion honestly stems from Kamala's page in the Marvel Studios: Character Encyclopedia Updated Edition. It states "the bangle allows Kamala to harness to power of the Noor energy and turn it into light constructs". We know she's used her powers without the bangle, so I feel like this is contradictory.

So Kamala's powers are divided by three factors:

  • Her Noor Dimension heritage
  • Her X-Gene
  • The Bangle (we know she isn't dependant on the bangle, it just unlocked her powers).

What exactly is the function of each factor? Im still a little confused. How does each factor, function in making her powers work? What would her mutation look like, without her Noor Dimension heritage? Would she be able to make contructs with energy from a battery or something?

submitted by /u/nazia987
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