Times Widow lied to get info

Natasha likes to both 'act like she knows everything' and 'act like she knows nothing' in order to get information - we see that in Avengers and in Winter Soldier. Honestly, Scarlet Jo's acting sometimes makes it super obvious (Avengers hulk room/loki scene), but sometimes super hard to tell. I've found a few moments in Winter Soldier where she acts like she doesn't know in order to get info/reaction (because it's so obvious that she WOULD know - also she asks it differently than she does when being honest):

  1. When she asks Steve 'Who's that' about Peggy's picture at Camp Lehigh
  2. Acting like she doesn't know who the 'nurse down the hall is' when she suggests Cap ask her out
  3. In the Apple store, they get the coord for Lehigh - she asks Steve if he knows it.

Any others that people found or speculate? I think after her 'trust' convo with Steve in WS, she was way more honest and straightforward in subsequent movies, but before that, it's hard to tell.

(Totally not related, but I fully believe that Thor learned from Widow how to interrogate - he uses her same methods in Ragnorak, in the first 'change' of his character from the previous movies).

submitted by /u/jayjaylee03
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