feel like Loki is what everyone expected wandavision to be

and I don’t mean with the multiverse stuff, I mean sticking the landing. Loki made me remember that marvel TV doesn’t have to be mediocre or crap it’s pants in the end.

when I saw wandavision I expected the cool concept to develop into me caring about characters, rising stakes, actual tension and emotion. but they really dropped the ball at the end. the finale of that show felt like a nothing sandwich. all that build up just for the payoff to not be good

Loki on the other hand started interesting, had mysteries, and kept me engaged to the end. it felt really good to watch a marvel show where I actually care about the characters and like the ending. Loki isn’t just a good marvel show, it’s a good show on its own merits.

if marvel realizes what we want is good stories and leans into this type of stuff, I’m excited to see where it goes.

I dunno what do you think?

submitted by /u/11646Moe
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