Anyone else get this vibe from GOTG3?

Let me start by saying GOTG3 might be my favorite of the trilogy (maybe GOTG1, I go back and forth on this), but the very beginning of the movie when they’re in Knowhere it just feels like I’m watching a movie set, not the suspended reality of GOTG’s headquarters. Whereas, when they’re in the ship, it feels like they’re in a ship.

I’m not sure what the “movie magic” terminology is to sound more educated on this topic or why it is (camera angles? set design? scope of backdrop? Etc) but I’m just very aware that I’m watching a movie set in the first act.

Anyone else get distracted by this when watching Knowhere scenes in GOTG3? And are their any movie buffs or film school types who can explain why that is/what contributes to that?

submitted by /u/trustprior6899
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