Time doesnt seem to make any sense in Loki Season 2

How can Loki change the future in real time?

Assuming that OB formed new memories as Loki interacted with his past self, then that suggests that the past didn’t exist in the first place

Those new memories shouldnt have formed during OB’s conversation with Mobius. It shouldve formed as soon as Loki interacted with OB (same way all memories form), meaning OB wouldve retained those memories the whole time.

If we see individual moments in time as individual coordinates along a timeline, then all interactions in the past exist prior to the moments in the future. Meaning, you couldnt actually change the past, as you’re interactions with the past would already exist on the timeline prior to your decision to go back in time.

Time seems to be anchored to Loki rather than being its own independent thing

Am I misunderstanding something?

submitted by /u/Sad_Lettuce_5186
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