The “Infinity War Ending Trope” Can Still Be Effective!

Ever since Infinity War ended and shocked the world by not only not giving us a happy ending but killing half of the main characters, other shows and movies have tried to duplicate that effect, including the MCU itself.

Killing off the main character, or ending on a major cliffhanger where many are presumed dead, is now somewhat common - James Bond, Fast and Furious, Ahsoka, and in the MCU itself Moon Knight, MoM and now Loki S2 E4.

But at least in Loki, it really worked for me. It was a huge shock when Timely got spaghettied as soon as he opened the door. I couldn’t believe it had happened and then came the scene where everybody dies, which amped up the horror and had a fantastic staticky cutoff ending.

Now I think we are definitely heading for either a time loop or a “world between worlds” mental prison/introspective journey episode, both of which I have seen one too many times, but I have faith Loki can pull it off.

So I think the “good guys lose” situation is a trope by now, but it’s a trope for a reason, and can still be executed very effectively.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/Silestra
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