Loki Beginning Theory

After reading Loki Season 2 Head Writer Eric Martin's comments on how he wants the two Loki seasons to be two halves of the same story, I've been thinking about some of the creative decisions this show has made.

Specifically: Why did the TVA even capture Loki in the opening of the first episode? We know from Endgame that Tony and Steve improvised and went back in time to steal the tesseract. They would never have had to do this unless Loki escaped with the Tesseract. So, the TVA didn't reset history by capturing him.

They also mention that they've pruned more Lokis than anyone else because they are nexus beings.

And our Loki, on realising the power of the TVA, decides he wants to overthrow the time keepers and take over the TVA.

All of this makes me believe Loki is meant to rule the TVA. It explains why the TVA would keep hunting other Lokis so that our Loki is the only one who remains at the end of time.

This would also complete Loki's story arc, where he has 'glorious purpose', but learns that it comes with great responsibility and the requirement to make hard choices.

submitted by /u/Loki-Maniac4663
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