Date suggestions for the Official Timeline

I just bought the Official Timeline (digitally, it’s like less than half the price of the physical copy + you get it instantly!)

One thing that made me sad: they generally use vague times of year rather than specific dates. Like the ending of Iron Man happens “Spring 2008,” for example.

So if they were to date things more specifically here are my suggestions!

  • April 14 or May 2, 2008: Tony Stark’s “I am Iron Man” press conference [4-14 was the world premiere of Iron Man, May 2 was the release date]

  • July 19, 2011: Captain America found frozen [CA:TFA world premiere date]

  • July 22, 2011: Cap wakes up in NYC [CA:TFA release date]

  • April 11 or May 4, 2012: Battle of New York [4-11 world premiere, 5-4 release date]

  • April 12 or May 6, 2016: The Battle at Leipzig-Halle Airport + Iron Man v Captain America [4-13 world premiere, 5-6 release date]

  • April 23 or 27, 2018: Battle in Wakanda + Thanos’ snap [4-23 world premiere, 4-27 release date]

I lean more toward using the world premiere dates, just because April makes me think of Avengers; but that said the actual release dates mean an absurdly higher amount of people were watching the movies’ events for the first time; compared to only 1 theater of people watching on the world premiere dates.

What dates would you want for which events and why?

submitted by /u/wes205
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