Animated Fillers

I would really love to see more animated stuff as fillers or as adaptations of things that are out. For example there are a lot of prelude comics out to a bunch of the earlier movies. I would love to see those adapted to animation. I know some of them are comic versions of previous movies but the earlier ones added to the upcoming movies.

I would also love to see just animated episodes of what was going on in between movies. For example, it’s been 2 years since the Shang-Chi movie. What has he been up to this whole time? I think an animated episode or two just keeping us up to speed with these characters would be awesome. They don’t have to be important to watch. Just filling in.

I would love to see that with other characters from earlier on too. What was Tony and Steve up to. Some howling commandos stuff. What was Captain Marvel up to in between her movie and End Game. Etc.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Vector1013
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