Loki has not won a fight or physical confrontation in the MCU since Thor: The Dark World 10 years ago. Do you see this changing in Season 2 of his show, or are we going to get more slapstick comedy Loki?

His track record since Thor 2 has seen Thor easily see through his ruse as Odin and manhandle him:

Doctor Strange boss him with magic:

Hela easily catch his knives and hurtle him out of the Bifrost:

Valkyrie beat him up and knock him out without Loki landing a single punch:

Thor easily trick and electrocute him in the Sakaar hanger:

Thanos snap his neck and kill him (Original MCU version)

Get comically slapped around by Hunter B-15:

Get his ass beat and knocked out by a trucker in 2050 Alabama:

Get comically tossed out of a moving train on Lamentis:

This humiliation scene with Sif:

Get thrown out of He Who Remains' palace by Sylvie:

The only counter to these I guess would be this scene with Hunter B-15 in Season 1:

But Loki still gets beaten down in the actual fight and can't land a punch on her, he sort of just escapes by getting the monitor on her and getting her away from him before she can deck him further with that right hook. Sure he messes with her for a few seconds after, but we see in the next scene that she wasn't really affected by the time jumping, only annoyed and irritated. I guess we could give that half a point, but I'm talking about a truly decisive win.

What do you think? Loki was clearly heavily depowered after Thor 2, before which he was able to go toe-to-toe with Thor, manhandle Captain America, trick Odin and gain power. Do you think they are building to more of a return to that type of character going forward, or do they think they've struck gold with a more hapless, cartoon-y, but funnier and arguably more 'relatable' iteration of him?

And which Loki have you preferred; the one from Thor 1, The Avengers & Thor 2, or the one from Ragnarok, Infinity War & Season 1? Or would you rather see a combination?

submitted by /u/Professional_Suit270
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