Just me who's a bit confused on how Spiderman/Venom are going to cross over in future movies??

I've probably missed something so please put in the comments because i've heard so many different things. Are they going to cross over?? So, as we know, Eddie/Venom were brought to the MCU in LTBC after credits, but in NWH end credits, they are sent back to the universe we all know and love from Tom Hardy's Venom. But, a bit of the symbiote is left behind. So, will either Spider-man make an appearence in Venom 3, or Venom in spider-man 4? Or, will there just be an entirely different symbiote like in LTBC? This may have been answered already and i just haven't done my research so please if you know anything please let me know!!

edit: I forgot to mention i don't read the comics, call me basic but i honestly don't have the effort or time to read them^^

submitted by /u/eve_ni05
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