Wanda 838 power level

I wonder if W838's power level will be greater than W616. I have a theory that when W616 was crushed in her throne room. I wonder if that flash of magic was the powers of the Scarlet Witch being released to the multiverse. Due to the fact that they were so connected to each other. I wonder if the SW was absorbed by W838.

W616 was exposed to the soul stone continually for years. Not to mention the proximity to the power when she destroyed the stone. She goes to 838 and absorbers the power from Captain Monica Marvel. This being the second stone she was exposed to. Not to mention the powers W818 already had.

When Wanda talks about the Scarlet Witch, she talks about her as if it were its own entity aside from herself. I think W838s arc is going to deal with he trying to keep this evil version of herself in check. Now that we've seen how OP she is. It's even gives an explanation why going forward. She tries not to use her powers for fear of like the SW take over.

submitted by /u/DiscoveryDiscoveries
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