Some cool future story ideas

The final season of What If…? Animated Series should totally end with adapting the “Original Sin” comic book. Without spoilers, In this comic series it’s like a murder mystery featuring The Watcher. They could take advantage of this story and make it a cool multiversal murder mystery as a series finale for What If…?

Also I was thinking about how they could team up Thor and Moon Knight in a future movie or series or even a special presentation. It’d be cool if Thor got encased/ trapped in one of those stone figurines they put Khonshu in. Maybe Zeus trapped him in one idk. Then maybe have Donald Blake find the stone figure and break it, and that’s how he gets connected to Thor in the MCU. I could see Donald Blake as a character they could introduce in Moon Knight season 2 as a friend of Steven Grant.

submitted by /u/rcarroll271
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