Which MCU movies could possibly be an elseworlds movie?

So me theory is that at least doctor strange 2 is not based off of our universe. It’s a parallel universe and they used it to introduce us to the multiverse and to show us that we’ve been watching variants so when secret wars comes around we’ll be torn between universes. Other suspects could be moon knight, FATWS, black widow, no way home, she hulk, Shang Chi. Thoughts?

EDIT I guess I’ll elaborate, first off this is a THEORY , not fact. Secondly, anything is possible, just cause it probably wont happen doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it lol. Basically what I’m trying to say is that after Loki anything is possible. In the comics they’ll continue the main continuity until they mess things up then slap an alternate universe sticker on it lol. Why can’t they do the same in film? Phase 1-3 are solid, then Loki drops, and catastrophe follows.

Btw this post is for fun, let your imaginations run stop trying to be right about everything. I am 99% sure I’m wrong, so nah I don’t wanna argue about how right you are lol. It’s just a theory that honestly has been blowing my mind the more I think about it

submitted by /u/704Darwin
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