Secret Invasion is flexing itself as Marvel's Andor and largely failing

I was excited when this show was announced as I was a fan of the Secret Invasion storyline in the comics and I'm a big fan of espionage films/shows/books.

This show has so far been dull, uninspired, directionless and just plain bad. It's as if the showrunners watched Tinker, Tailor (or another John LeCarre film) and thought prestige television meant having two people have a conversation in a room about something boring. That's not what those scenes are for! They're using conversation as a means of gathering information from each other and reveal something about the characters we don't know already. Here, they don't do anything.

There are entire scenes that go nowhere. At no point are you aware of what a character desires or how they're going to get it. In Andor, we get to see the banality of evil and how an insurgency is first formed. We see the conflict from all sides and how there are several ways of being opporessed. What this show should've done is help the viewer understand why Skrulls feel oppressed by a system that requires them to maintain human form in public. At no point does the audience feel sympathy for their plight. We're not told why Gravik suddenly decided to take a big swing and why are so many Skrulls in favor of it. What was the catalyst?

I really hope after this strike ends that Marvel employs better showrunners and gives them enough latitude to do their own thing in the future.

submitted by /u/junaidnoori
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