MCU Skrulls = Animal Crossing ( no spoilers for Secret Invasion)

In the MCU, I don’t think we’ve ever seen Skrulls take a non-humanoid shape yet. It makes you wonder if they can. In the comics, they can, of course. And I would be quite disappointed if they could not in the MCU either..

Of course when you think about it, if a Skrull can shapeshift rapidly into any animal, he/she would be impossible to chase, being able to fly away in bird form or disappear in a hole or sewer in small rodent, or quickly climb up something in feline form, or whatever..

However, on the other hand it would make sense it could take some extra time and effort to shapeshift into a form very different from their own (humanoid) original one. More importantly, it would take time for them to adapt to the biokinetic workings of a totally different type of body. It would need some (previous) training for Skrull spies to be able to fly, use claws to climb on four legs, and so on. And it would probably not be easy to fool most social animals and pass as members of their species to be accepted by them, since they have very different mindsets and rely on different senses.. Risk of rejection or even immediate savage attack would be high, and experienced Skrulls would know of it. So they would deliberately try to only impersonate more familiar humanoids unless absolutely required..

This being said, Skrulls should not infiltrate Earth posing as humans only. There must also be some Skrulls posing as animals on Earth.

I would love to see the MCU pay homage in some way to the classic Skrull Cows of King's Crossing (hence the name of that topic, of course).

This will NOT be shown in Secret Invasion of course, but just for fun what animal form could you imagine some Skrull could take in the MCU, based or not on the Marvel comics source?

Semi philosophical side Question: if YOU were given the possibility or forced necessity to shapeshift now into a new form and start over a totally new life (instant reincarnation), would you chose a human body (same sex as the current one or opposite?) Or would you chose something different (animal, insect, vegetal, mineral.. )?

submitted by /u/Quiet_Effective7234
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