Framing superheroes for murder doesn't make sense

We see in NWA that Spiderman is framed for murder of Mysterio and that is essentially the big issue of the film.

What would have happened if MCU was real life? The remaining Avengers and Fury/Talos would completely vouch for Spiderman and the public opinion would instantly be in Spiderman's favor. Daily bugle works in a world where Avengers don't exist and aren't public heros.

We see the same thing in Secret Invasion. It js revealed on TV that shapeshifting aliens are in Russia. And shortly after it is shown that Fury is killing Maria Hill. Anybody with half a brain would know its an imposter rather than the guy who formed the Avengers and saved the world many times. Fury could also easily expose that Rhodey is a skrull.

These situations to build tension need a lot of suspension of disbelief.

submitted by /u/nilanganray
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