Armor Wars Theory

So there’s been a lot of talk about what Armor Wars could possibly be with the newest Episode 4 Rhodey reveal - maybe it’s OG Rhodey coming back into the world after having been Skrull’d? I think the general consensus is Skrull Rhodey is probably gonna bite it by the end of the season and OG Rhodey will return, but I think Armor Wars has the potential to be really interesting if that isn’t the case.

I don’t think this is the route the MCU will go, but I personally think it would be really interesting if Armor Wars acted as a continuation of Secret Invasion, but with OG Rhodey vs. Skrull Rhodey. I just think it would make for some interesting dynamics between characters and it would be really fun to watch Don Cheadle pulling dual roles in that capacity.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/ChovvyChofChop
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