What happened to the border tribes after Wakanda went public?

It’s explained in the first movie that the border tribes act as essentially decoy villages to throw the rest of the world off about the true nature of Wakandan prosperity.

After they revealed themselves to the world, do you think the people of the border tribes all moved into the bigger, more advanced cities like Birnin Zana? At the very least they would no longer need to pretend to be third-world villages, but would some still prefer to live away from the cities? Would the border tribes now incorporate vibranium technology or might there be some holdouts that have gotten used to life without it? For that matter, did anyone live there permanently or was it all for show and they rotated out in shifts?

Would love to see this explored in the upcoming Wakanda D+ series! What do you all think?

submitted by /u/burtsbeads
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