Kang's Introduction

I know we have moved well beyond this but I just rewatched Quantumainia last night and it still bugs me how we're told how much of a threat Kang is instead of shown. With the way Kang is characterized as a liar, him saying he's killed avengers feels like an exaggeration at best. I was thinking about it and I thought up a super easy fix for it. Instead of having Kang just vaguely mention that he has fought avengers, show him with trophies. Take the scene where he gives Scott the job and put it in the room where he has his time chair. When Scott mentions that he's an avenger, have Kang show off his wall of trophies. Put things from heroes we've seen (like an iron man suit, caps shield, etc.) and some trophies from heroes we haven't (a ff suit, a metal skeleton, etc.). Kang can do his whole "have I killed you before bit" again but this time it will feel much more like a threat as opposed to bragging.

submitted by /u/Garfunkle0707
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