Why are Chris Pratt and James Gunn all of a sudden dissing the Russo Brothers?

Plus it doesn’t really make sense what they’re talking about.

For instance, Chris Pratt states how Quill wouldn’t have punched Thanos when learning about Gamora… but this absolutely fits his character.

Considering he shot his father right after he found out about the tumor… yeah says a lot. I think they’re just upset that Quill is the main reason for the snap happening, how how Gunn’s character had to be the one to screw up the plan.

Also Gunn states how Quill would’ve taken the shot without hesitation… when Quill does that. Sure Quill was bickering a bit but he still pulled the trigger.

I just don’t get why after 4 years they’re all of a sudden hating on the Russo Brothers and their decisions on the GOTG. I can get some things such as just throwing away Drax’s Thanos arc but the things they have been talking about seems to be more on the petty side than actual criticism.

submitted by /u/hushpolocaps69
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