Anyone else think the amount of trailers, teasers, clips, movie hints, ect is getting absurd?

I get that Marvel really likes to hype up their movies, but recently (especially with GotG) it has all been revealing way too much.

Clips are supposed to be something you watch after seeing the movie to rewatch a particular moment. I’ve lost count of the number of teasers/trailers that have been dropping. James Gunn has even released the entire soundtrack and has revealed there is 2 after credit scenes.

Sure, they haven’t straight up spoiled anything major, but by piecing together the plethora of little tidbits that we’ve been getting you remove some of the mystery. One of the biggest offenders is revealing who’s going to be in the upcoming movies. Some of the most hype moments seeing these movies day 1 is the cameos.

“Just don’t watch them!” Well, it’s kind of everywhere. Any feed I’m on is littered with these minor spoilers.

submitted by /u/Alleggsander
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