Help me wrap my head around Endgame

During the pandemic, I got more into marvel and re-watched the movies after watching falcon and the Winter soldier. I keep pondering the time travel dilemma in Endgame, in particular with Steve. I know this has been discussed, (I Googled) and the writers have even said that Peggy’s children were always Steve’s, but it doesn’t really jive with the explanation of time travel that they gave in endgame, so I kind of think they slapped that on as explanation.

So… We know that Steve did not have a shield when he went back in time. It was destroyed. Therefore, he had nothing to pass on to Sam. We know that he told Bucky what he was planning, and that specifically included that he was planning to pass the shield onto Sam, a shield he didn’t have.

So, he had to have planned in advance that he would go back in time, and spend his life with Peggy and somehow find another (presumably vibranium) shield, and then end up in the same timeline, without altering the past enough to create a different timeline branch, so that he could appear on that bench with a brand new shield 80 years later.

And somehow everything he did in the past had to not create a new timeline branch, which isn’t really possible. So either that, or he knew he would figure out a way to travel between universes so that he could live his life and find a new shield, and then Hop on over to the old timeline and say goodbye to Bucky and Steve and transfer the shield.

Or maybe he came back and hit up the Wakandans for a brand new shield. Or he had them working on it before he left.

But he still had to know he’d end up back on that bench in the same timeline or that he’d find a way to hop branches like the TVA.

So, Marvel brainiacs, can you weigh in and help me wrap my head around it?

submitted by /u/DCangst
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