What to do with Bishop

So Bishop is a fantastic character and one of the most underutilized fan-favorite characters in the FoX-Men movies. Therefore, if the MCU is going all in on Mutants by sprinkling them in within phase 5 and MAYBE having a Mutant-centric project besides DP3 in the Multiverse Saga, then I propose that Bishop should be front and center.

Proposal 1: Deadpool isn't the only multiversal-time traveler. Bishop's first appearance in comics was as a time traveler from the worst timeline; therefore, in DP3 he can be a time traveler from the future who comes back to stop the villain who is rumored to be Danger from kicking off the dystopia future he's from. Now, what about Cable? In DP2, it was stated and heavily implied that the timeline he came from was gone/ altered. Imagine if Wade's meddling created an EVEN MORE messed up future and Bishop comes to the present and says, "this ass#&+ created an even more effed up future, then".

  1. Bishop comes forward in Secret Wars. After the wreckage of DP3, there will be a time reckoning. Bishop can be implied in Shang-Chi: the Wreckage of Time and then he becomes a player alongside the FoX-Men in Secret Wars before the X-reboot post Secret Wars. In Hickman's SW, the Black Panther goes back in time and gives Wakandans tech to accelerate their space program. We know that they are capable of interstellar travel based on What If's Star Lord T'Challa episode so, what if Bishop does this but, with Mutants? Therefore, it's Bishop not Moira that kicks off House/Powers of X in the MCU. However, the difference with the twist after Inferno is that instead of (SPOILERS) Moira X doing her thing someone else is the poison-pill of Krakoa. Perhaps....Sinister????

So any thoughts? Also, if Omar Sy doesn't come back to play Bishop then I say Aldis Hodge should take up the character. After all, he ain't doing anything with D.C.

submitted by /u/AgentC3
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