Jessica Jones - The darkest part of the MCU

I just finished the second season. Although I didn't like it as much as the first season (tho that's partly because of the lack of Killgrave), but it still was great.

What really makes this show stand out, even amongst the other Defenders-Shows, is how dark, depressing, pessimistic and mature it is.

Yes, Daredevil is dark too, but in a very different way than JJ.

JJ's handling of themes like mental health problems, depression, addiction, grief and loss is outstanding and hit home close. You can feel and relate the pain and struggles Jessica is going through. She has never really dealt or coped with the loss of her family or the trauma she got from Killgrave. She went through a life full of loss and abuse and never recovered from that.

Watching this show really is depressing as hell and in many ways very relatable for me as someone who has gone through or encountered similar struggles.

submitted by /u/68ideal
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