I’m confused about the time travel in Endgame. Are the earlier time points frozen in time?

When Peter Quill wakes up in 2014 in the alternate timeline, the power stone will be there because Cap would have put it back. So of course then, the timelines don’t run parallel to each other. Cap could wait ten years in the original timeline then go back to that timeline and put the stone back. It’s not like that timeline was continuing for 10 years simultaneously. So in that sense, that timeline is frozen for 10 years our time. Even if it was 100 years or 1000 years before the stone is put back to that timeline. So what if Cap never brings the stone back? Does that timeline never go on? Is it just frozen forever? Or does it continue without the stone? I mean really, there’s an infinite amount of time for the stone to be put back.

submitted by /u/Spider-Man-fan
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