How was Kang so wrong about Sylvie?

Rewatching Loki and in the finale Kang says he's been looking for his replacement for a long time so how did he get it so wrong with Sylvie?

There is a point at which he can't see further into the future but he must have some idea as to the type of person needed to replace him. There is nothing Sylvie does to suggest she will do anything other than kill Kang so how did he get it so wrong?

I assume the answer is because the writers needed it to happen to unleash Kangs variants but for a guy as competent as Kang I can't see how he could mess up that bad.

I don't believe he would have dedicated his entire life to building and maintaining the TVA only to give it all up at his death so I don't think its intentional either.

Any ideas I'm missing?

submitted by /u/Dazzler_3000
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