Deadpool 3 will be an adaptation of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"

The TVA basically abolished the Fox-verse and deadpool and Wolverine team-up to fight TVA and restore the universe. or they can merge their universe and make it seem like X-Men was in the MCU the whole time so we can say that X-Men (2000) is the first MCU movie. Think about how do you think they will bring back Wolverine say it is the same one from Logan (2017) nah, he is gonna be a variant that Deadpool will find. Or it can be an adaptation of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"

The movie will feature Mr. Sinister, in order to tie up that loose end when FOX's universe ends. It will also feature a team-up with Chris Evans as Captain America and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, who will, as a meta joke on the supposed finality of Logan, be very grumpy about being dragged out of retirement. The movie will be a loving tribute and parody to the Fox X-verse, and will lampshade the living fuck out of the fact that Deadpool and the Avengers have supposedly coexisted for years, and yet neither have helped the other in their confrontations.

submitted by /u/Movie_Advance_101
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