As comic book readers, who is the character you are fond of, but unknown to the general public, who most worried about the debut in the MCU and the reception of the public?

recently with the debut of Namor in the MCU I have experienced a bit of fear not so much in the adaptation of the character itself, but in the public reception.

Namor is such an important character in Marvel comics, as an anti-hero and ruler of a kingdom, for his connection to the F4, to the mutants, to the Avengers, but also just for being one of the first superheroes created. I feared that the character on screen would become a living meme, just a guy with wings on his feet (which he is lol) and not be taken seriously or appreciated.

For you, what was your experience in seeing a character dear to you suddenly become known to the general public?

submitted by /u/TrpTrp26
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