Ms Marvel contradicts with Endgame and Loki.

Ms Marvel which was set in 2025, shows Kamala travelling back in time in 1947, to save her grandmother Sana, and uniting her with her father Hasan (who is Kamala's great grandfather). This didn't create a new timeline, because Kamala already heard the stories of little Sana following a trail of stars. So the time travel shown in Ms Marvel doesn't deal with multiverse, but instead its a never ending loop.

This means if the world or universe had ended anytime between 1947 and 2025, then Aisha shouldn't be able to call Kamala from the future, because everyone in the future is supposed to be dead. And if Aisha can't call Kamala from the future, that means Sana won't be able to reunite with Hasan. Hence, history would change completely. Muneeba (Kamala's mom) would never be born and neither would Kamala.

Now in Endgame and then in Loki, we saw Avengers travelling back to 2012, and creating a branched timeline where Loki escapes. Later on TVA captures Loki and reset (delete) that timeline. If that timeline is destroyed in 2012, then Kamala shouldn't even exist in that timeline. Because without her going back in time from 2025 to 1947, she's never uniting Sana with Hasan, thus the history is changed and Kamala is not being borned.

That means Avengers didn't create a branched timeline in 2012. That timeline should already be branched in 1947, when Sana couldn't be reunited with Hasan, and Muneeba and Kamala are never borned. This plothole can only be solved with this theory, that the time machine the Avengers created in Endgame, isn't just capable of going back in time, but is also capable of travelling the multiverse (which it sort of already does).

This plothole is there in What If...? as well, where earth/universe is destroyed by Strange Supreme, Zombies and Ultron, before Kamala could become Ms Marvel in 2025. But What If has many other inconsisties. Even though the watcher tells in every episode that one step which created an alternate timeline from the MCU, it looks like things were already different in that universe compared to the 616 timeline.

submitted by /u/Ok_Rice_534
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