How important to your MCU experience is having a core character(s) you personally anchor the story's progression around (i.e., Iron-Man or Captain America)?

Sorry for the title gore.... Not totally sure how to describe my premise, so I'll try below.

It's no secret that phase 1-3 had a huge undercurrent centered around Iron-man, Steve/Captain America, and the development of their characters. Many of the projects featured them directly or weaved them in to some extent anchoring the story cohesively together. Except for Thor, I think it's fair to say they were the main characters for the most part and part of the reason that civil war pits them against each other (and had them make up over the IW and Endgame).

Their absence in phase 4 has been pretty noticeable to me personally. I was always 'Team Cap' and gleefully went into every movie hoping I would see him featured directly, in a post-credit scene, or catch wind of something that would intersect with his character development. Always loved seeing Tony in the MCU (3rd favorite character) both for his character development, his sheer presence onscreen, and how Tony and Steve's characters developed in parallel.

I've come to realize that I was often watching the MCU unfold with the intent of seeing a few 'tentpole' characters progress. Their character development and progression anchored me into the MCU so to speak. Without them, I've really struggled with phase 4 as I don't have 'those characters' anymore and the phase 4 lineup hasn't solidified anyone as a replacement yet. I'm curious if this has been a common experience, or whether other people also have core characters they view the MCU through. Or if I should 'just get over it', MCU is different now, move on.

submitted by /u/Grown_from_seed
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