What can we do to improve our relations with groups focused on hating Marvel and its fandom?

I am talking specifically the MauLer crowd (aka the EFAP fans), the FilmBros of comic book Twitter and r/moviescirclejerk, the haters from r/FuckMarvel and of course angry DC/Zack Snyder fans.

How can we make them hate us less, of course - if there is ANYTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT.

Because it's so disheartening to see when a post that represents She-Hulk peculiar humor as good writing gets crossposted to r/MauLer and r/FuckMarvel and then they trash the entire fanbase, calling us names and all that stuff.

It's like they cannot respect opinions, and I wonder if there's some fault in us there. Because, well, toxic positivity is a thing and pretending it isn't won't do us many favor.

So for starters, I would suggest being more selective in downvotes, so that only takes that are truly baffling or offensive get the treatment.

Anyways, what are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/Bruhmangoddman
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