Unsure why they removed dr strange from Wandavision

Kevin said it was to remove “Here’s a white guy let me show you how power works” but then look what they did to her character?

Her thing post just having hex bolts is being a knowledgeable witch, now she’s got nowhere near the ability of the likes of Strange but still very knowledgeable and efficient in sorcery in a lot of ways.

But in MoM she hasn’t even learned the spells needed to do the one thing she’s wanted. Without her how to guide she can’t do it. And half the stuff she does in the film is basic telekinesis, red balls and telepathy the mcu decided to give her as an innate ability. She’s really didn’t do anything to prove she learned something in that year she had the darkhold.

I don’t expect her to be an expert in that time but they could’ve had her fight with some actual spells. We barely seen her really cast anything. Guess the mirror stuff was cool?

Same way they gave captain marvel buffs so she’d be cooler (she silver surfers her way across the galaxy without her ship) but in doing so you show off less of her piloting skills she’s also known for.

Why take away earned skills for talentless innate abilities.

submitted by /u/lelwood_616_
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