Rights to Spider-Man supporting characters / villains

I know this is a much discussed topic here but I don’t think this particular question was discussed. Also please correct me if I say anything wrong.

As far as I know Sony has the movie rights to Spider-Man and (some or all of) his supporting characters and villains. And the Marvel Studios deal with Sony was that Sony makes the Spider-Man movies in the movie and Marvel Studios can use Peter Parker / Spider-Man in the MCU but only him. I heard that characters like Ned, MJ and so on can’t appear in the non-Spider-Man mcu movies. This should also apply to Aunt May but she was in Civil War? But okay since Civil War was his first appearance in the mcu they might have made an exception for her.

But what about Ned? He was in Infinity War. Okay you could say that Marvel did everything they could to make Infinity War a great movie and wouldn’t shy away from giving Sony a massive amount of money to use certain characters. But that scene could’ve easily been written out.

So how is the movie rights situation to Spider-Man‘s supporting characters?

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Sky7369
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