Best MCU Show finale in your opinion?

Whats your most and least favourite finales in the MCU . Note that this post only considers the Disney+ shows, If it weren't for that, i definitely would have put Daredevil at the top but if u wish to, u can comment on any of the Netflix series as well no issues, but iam gonna do the ranking only considering the Disney+ shows. So here's my ranking based on various reasons

1- Loki- definitely subverted the traditional Big CGI fight ending and i loved how it was just a long talk between characters. And the cliffhanger was so good. The visuals were strong as well. Also a shout out to the Marvel studios intro.

2- She Hulk- tbh i dont think this finale really wrapped up she hulk in a perfect way, thought the Titania storyline didn't get any resolution and had some unanswered questions and plotholes, plus it was way too short . But for me it's one of the most memorable finales. The fourth wall breaking was very good and i know eveyone won't agree with me here. Thought it was one of the most fun finales

3-,Hawkeye- what a joy this entire series was. However the main issue was the pacing and episode runtimes. The previous episodes were all like 40 mins long and the finale being an hour long did cause some problems for me. Still it was pretty hilarious , loved kate and Yelena here, Kingpin could have been introduced before though

4- Moon Knight- again didn't like how short it was but i liked the action scenes a lot, were a great improvement from the previous episodes. Ended in a cliche way but loved layla's transformation and how Marc and Grant worked together. Also loved the post credit scene as well

5-, Wandavision - yes this might be the most divisive finale but for me it was full of memorable moments. The pacing was an issue but i thought it did provide a good edning to the series. Didn't have much issues with Ralph bohner and loved Scarlet witch's new costume. Was pretty emotional

6- What If- Liked thst it gave black widow a much better sendoff than her own movie and the animation and action scenes were superbly done but i hated how a few charactes do not have much interactions with others. Again the runtime is an issue and i felt like Ultron was nerfed. Loved Nat and Carter's relationship as well

7- Ms Marvel- for me i loved how it was more grounded and loved the school set piece but still hated the overall story. But liked the conclusion, the post credits scene and how she gets the name ms marvel. Was fun but still had issues. Loved the embiggen scene

8- FATWS - tbh for me this is a better finale than ms marvel and wandavision but it just isn't memorablr as the rest. It was rushed and didn't like the new outfit much. Liked Caps speech but the power broker twist was predictable. Loved John Walker. Nothing much to say

So what r ur opinions?

submitted by /u/AVR350
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