Which upcoming character's debut in the MCU has you the most concerned with how they might portray them?

With all of the upcoming projects that have been announced and even the rumored ones which characters potential portrayal concerns you the most.

For me it has to be the Fantastic 4. It is kind of amazing that the MCU has been so successful all without one of the most integral groups in the entire Marvel roster. The Fantastic 4 has played such a huge role in so many of the major Marvel stories that if they fall flat with their new movie it could be disaster.

I know there have been F4 movies previously but we all know those were horrible and we pretend they don't exist.

Also if the F4 movie is awesome it just makes it so much more likely we finally see Dr. Doooooom in the MCU and we all know we need that!

submitted by /u/insanelyphat
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