How much screentime should MCU protagonists have?

It's because I've been wondering about the balance of focus on characters.

Because the main character ought to be the main character, but at the same time they should not completely overshadow side characters, because they need to have some stuff for them to do.

As a point of reference, I'll give you the highest screentime counts in all of the MCU:

  1. Thor, Love and Thunder (84 minutes)
  2. Tony, Iron Man (77 minutes)
  3. Stephen (Multiverse of Madness) and Peter (Homecoming) - 76 minutes
  4. Stephen, Doctor Strange (73 minutes)
  5. Peter, No Way Home (72 minutes)

Now, do you think these movies were balanced in terms of focus on their protags and side characters? Or maybe it's the opposite?

Personally, I think screentime between 70-75 is just perfect. I wouldn't want a hero to be on screen for less than an hour, and at the same time the idea of the main character being in the movie for 96 minutes, for example, seems kinda ridiculous.

submitted by /u/Bruhmangoddman
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