There's a lot of talk about what the MCU should do less. But what would you like to see more of?

Instead of focusing on what there should be less of in the MCU (humour to the point of derailing the story) like most people are discussing, let's turn this conversation around: What do you want to see?

My favourite scenes in superhero movies are always the "show of strength" moments. The kind that makes you go daaamn. Not surprisingly, IMO the best MCU movie ever is Infinity War: Thor arriving in Wakanda and straight leveling the field, Thanos kicking Hulk's ass bare-handed, again Thanos throwing a god damn planet at Tony, Dr Strange using his full scope of powers, etc.

I'd love too see more of that going forward. Scarlet Witch in MoM was awesome in this regard.

submitted by /u/thatdani
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