What makes Dr. Strange tick?

I feel like there is a large hole in the premise of Dr. Strange and it grows with every new movie, and that is, What causes Dr. Strange to intervene in a situation? In the events of Ragnarok, Strange pulls Thor and Loki aside to determine their reasoning for coming to earth, as it is his job to protect against otherworldly realms, which he has done well until this point.

After this we see the introduction of Wenwu & the soaleaters, the Djinn, Ammit, and Gorr, all characters that create disturbance on earth, to which Dr. Strange does jack all. I looked into the timeline and cant see Strange busy with anything else until the events of NWH and MoM, which take place in one month. He isn't very busy otherwise (as far as we are shown). I also thought maybe he knows about some of them, primarily Ammit and Gorr, but chooses not to act, but this doesnt work for me. In his past he has fought against an invading dark dimension, but ignores the invading Noor? Doesnt even show up when Kamala activates the bangle. He gives everything and more to fight Thanos for unjust killing, but not Ammit who is doing basically the same. He does nothing to stop Gorr even though he will 1-1 with Thanos. Gorr is way weaker (given that a cancer-laiden, no experience "Thor" kicks his ass). And even the easy one, Wenwu, he shouldve at least shown face to stop the Dweller. I also thought maybe Dr. Strange knows not to interfere with "god stuff", but the why tf is he messing with asgardians then?

I get the biggest part of this question is the fact that you cant have every actor in every show or movie, but i think that a company this big, with pockets this deep, should focus on answering these questions regardless of the cost or time.

submitted by /u/FatalTempest710
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