Thor Love and thunder Disappointed

I Posted this under a simple question on another subreddit and felt like I should just posted on my own so here is my opinion

for me I felt like it was too rushed Gorr opening scene should have been longer it's his whole back story that set him on his path and they brushed through it especially if they cut all the scenes of him killing gods how can a character have God butcher in his title and don't kill any gods on screen but the first one who told him everything about the sword that's convenient laying beside him didn't really get attached to jane at all I don't think her acting was bad it was just the writing and the fact that she hasn't been seen since 2013 in Thor Dark world (yes it's been that long) and Thor only spoke of her once when he said they broke up and nothing else him going back in Endgame and seeing his mother again had more of a emotional impact I think if they had left some seeds in Endgame where maybe he mentioned missing Jane or her being blip away and then coming back and if they cut out her cancer scene in the beginning and waited til she revealed it to him it would have hit a lot harder but what do I know it's just Ragnarok is in my top 5 and I had high hopes for this and it drop the ball also felt like Gorr should have been a post credit scene for the next movie where they could have focused on him more all of Thor opening scene with the guardian's should have been cut out and given to Gorr storyline it's the 4th movie so you don't need to have so much screen time with Thor and the guardian's role was so small you didn't need them in the movie I need the obi-wan re edit for love and Thunder

submitted by /u/Mr_Official12
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