Is it fair to compare Ms Marvel and Spider-Man when it comes to being “too young” in tone to enjoy?

Some of us have stated that Ms Marvel skews too young for older MCU fans to enjoy. A common rebuttal is “but you like Spider-Man, right?”, since they are about the same age in their origin stories. My answer to this is that nostalgia plays a big factor for a lot of us, me included. He’s been my favorite character since I was 12. At 37 I can still enjoy his movies just due to this. Add in other factors, such as a preference for his powers, the higher stakes in his stories, and great villains and well, I just like him better. Certainly some identify more with him in terms of background. That’s a whole other can of worms and I won’t deny that’s a thing for many.

submitted by /u/gcaledonian
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