I was genuinely shocked by this line in the new MsMarvel episode that I am surprised that people, especially Muslims, aren't talking about it a lot. Let me explain the context

It's when Agent Clearly talked about how they already had FBI surveillance at the Mosque Kamala was at. A clear reference to the post 9/11 FBI undercover agent plans.

For those who don't know, after 9/11 the FBI decided to do mass secret surveillances on Mosques across the United States especially in New York since, as the stereotype goes, the Mosques were building connections to terrorists groups(a claim that is completely and factually debunked and has no credibility whatsoever). They would hire undercover agents to go in there and pretend to be new converts to Islam. The agents would befriend many Muslims in the communities they were in and were so successful at building trust that they even got invited to some Muslims houses(as it's a common thing across all Muslim cultures to invite friends and communities to their houses).

These agents were caught after they would ask uncomfortable questions to the Imans(head of the Mosques) and heads of the boards at the Mosques. This caused many Muslims to get suspicious and contact law enforcement. When this plan was found out and these undercover agents were exposed, it lead to many Muslims, especially in big communities, to be very scared of going to Mosques and it caused a lot of mistrust in communities. So much so that recently a lawsuit against these agents went to the Supreme Court. I mean, how would one react if one were to find out the friend they have made was a spy who was hijacking their community.

In fact, there are cases where there wasn't even subtle spying. There are many cases where people noticeably saw strange and suspicious people at their Mosques taking notes and analyzing them. It was reported on many college campuses as well.

In the end however, these breaches in our communities lead to a massive wave of Muslims kids who grew up post 9/11 to go study law so that if stuff like this happens again we will ready. So there was some good that came out of that.

If you guys want I can link some articles to these cases.

submitted by /u/Accomplished-Park269
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